St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group Funding

(Havre) – With the St. Mary Rehabilitation Working Group giving fall updates New Media Broadcasters Sat down with their coordinator Dave Peterson to ask where St. Mary received their funding for their projects from.

“The Safety Dams Project funding for this is coming from the Bureau of Reclamation and also the water users along the milk river. So that project itself is a $77 million project the money from the St. Mary’s diversion dam replacement project is coming from the Jobs Act bill we got a $100 million through that and a majority of that will be for the diversion dam which is about $91 million and then through the last state legislative session there was two bills that went through one was the House Bill 6 which is the St. Mary project $26 million interest only loan. The second bill is house bill 8 and it is a regular loan. the last funding opportunity that can be possible is through the Fort Belknap Water Rights Settlement Act and what that is the money that can be coming from the Fort Belknap settlement compact. those are the huge funding bills we have going on right now.”

Read the entire article HERE